Welcome from the Chair of Governors, 


Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

There have been some very challenging times over the past 2 years, but with a steely determination,
school staff met these challenges head on and used whatever was available to help shield the
students from a chaotic time and give as much normality and support as possible.

Now the school is absolutely bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of a school year, not dogged
by the uncertainty of the recent past, and looking forward to using their supreme skills to give the
best education they can.

To complement this, we have a new Headteacher with a wealth of experience, excellent
management skills and with a strong desire to bring stability, success and forward thinking to
improve the overall outcomes for every student.

We have recently hired some exceptional new teaching staff to complement our already strong and
talented team, and I feel that the school is better equipped than ever to give our students a sound,
varied and detailed education.

Our Governing Board has also taken on some very experienced and talented members, and our
attention to detail will ensure that all avenues and resources are used in the best possible way to
provide the best outcomes for our students.

My aim as Governor Chair, is to ensure that the school now flourishes with a clear way for our
teachers to perform at their very best and to gradually expand some of the facilities the school has
to offer in an effort to help its’ overall social standing in the community.
These are very exciting times, and we will be working tirelessly to maintain a suitable environment
for our students to flourish and attain the highest possible achievements.

Letters & Information 

Date Topic  
08/05/2024 Full Governing Body Meeting: a summary Click here
13/03/2024 Full Governing Body Meeting: a summary Click Here
25/01/2024 FAQ's Converting to an Academy Click Here
20/11/2023 Chair of Governors Academy Update Click Here


Governor Information

Committee Structure ( Click here )

Attendance record ( Click here )


Governor Documents

Behaviour principles ( click here )